Cat Finally Rescued After Days-Long Stay Atop 36-Foot Utility Pole

Residents worried about the fate of a cat named, Panther for days as the cat was perched atop a 36-foot (11-meter) utility pole.

According to Huffington Post, Panther stayed put as his owners and others tried to coax him to come down. The cat went missing earlier in the week but was spotted atop the pole.

“Everybody’s been just like, ‘Put food down and it’ll come down eventually,’” said Aurora resident Jessica Meadows when the city received its first snow of the season. “That’s not going to happen.”

They were advised to call animal control but were told that animal control wouldn't be able to do anything. Standard practice is to give cats time until they work their own way down.

News of Panther’s plight reached Aurora Councilmember Curtis Gardner and city officials dispatched a ladder truck Friday afternoon. After getting the truck into place, firefighters rescued the cat. Panther seemed eager to step into a pet carrier. Kimberly Medina, another Panther co-owner, said he had always been allowed outside. No more, she said: “Never.”

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