Ex Sheriff Baca Tries Again

Attorneys for former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca filed a new legal request this week to put off the start of a three year prison term - while Baca appeals his convictions on felony corruption charges.

Baca’s defense attorneys denied the request is a delay tactic and renewed their insistence legal errors will lead to the guilty verdicts being overturned on appeal.

Last week the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Baca’s initial request to remain free on bail pending appeal and sent the case back to U.S. District Court Judge Percy Anderson, who presided over Baca’s trial.

Baca was convicted earlier this year of obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and making false statements. 

He was sentenced in May to three years in prison.

Prosecutors said he directed a scheme in 2011 to try to interfere with a federal grand jury investigation of inmate abuse inside County jails.

Baca, now 75, has denied he ever gave orders to break the law.

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